The Truth About Reverse Osmosis Water Dispensers Revealed

The Truth About Reverse Osmosis Water Dispensers Revealed

Any way you look at it, the quality of our water is getting worse each year, especially with the introduction of chloramine to disinfect the supply by the municipals. The once popular reverse osmosis water dispenser is now being revealed for what it is – an overpriced and wholly ineffective system. Find out why here.

Brief history of the reverse osmosis water filtering system

It may surprise you to learn that these systems were not actually designed for humans but for the paper industries that required large quantities of demineralized water.

While that is fine for industry, it is not good for you. This water is distilled which means all the trace minerals have been removed like sodium and calcium. According to the World Health Organization, these should be left in our drinking water to promote good health.

A lack of these minerals can lead to calcium deficiencies resulting in weaker bones and other debilitating conditions.

Why don’t they work as well as the alternatives today?

Many of the contaminants in the supply today are synthetic and hard to remove. Examples of these include pesticides, herbicides and pharmaceutical drugs.

Because they are molecularly smaller than water, they are able to evade the reverse osmosis water dispenser filter and get into your supply.

In addition they are unable to remove all of the chlorine and lead, the two most toxic chemicals in the supply today. The increasing use of chloramine (chlorine and ammonia) leaches more lead from the pipes and so raises the levels of this toxic substance in your water.

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Are they more expensive than other systems?

A reverse osmosis water filtering system usually costs many times more than a more effective alternative like activated carbon filters. They waste up to 80% of the water they use which cannot be recycled.

Many require electricity to run on and extensive space and ongoing maintenance.

So what are the best filtration systems today?

Carbon block systems with sub micron filtering and a dual cartridge system are the only ones recommended by the EPA.

They are able to get rid of 99% of the main contaminants, including chlorine, lead, VOCs and THMs.

They do not waste any water, are easy to maintain, keep in the trace minerals and don’t cost a fortune to keep you and your family fully protected, whatever may lurk in the water.

If you would like to learn more about the types of water filtration systems that I personally recommend and use, visit my website below.
