Having a Nice Espresso

Having a Nice Espresso

Many people love the taste of a nice espresso in the mornings and it is a whole lot easier if you have an espresso maker to make it for you. This means that you need to find the perfect espresso maker for you and with these few tips you may just do that.

Any good espresso maker needs to come with a cup warmer and hot water dispenser as a standard fitting. This is because you need to make sure that your espresso is always piping hot whenever you decide to drink it.

Ideally on most of the espresso machines the facility for the cup warmer is on the top of the machine. This makes it very easy to just keep your cup there to keep the espresso warm.

Keeping your espresso nice and hot is another reason why you really need a hot water dispenser. At least you will not have to keep going for the kettle every time you want a hot cup of coffee.

Another vital feature that you should always have on your espresso maker is the strength control function. This function lets you select how strong or weak you prefer your espresso. So you could have different strengths whenever you like.

It is always better to find a unit that also houses its own water filter. The beauty of having a water filter is that it can take all the chlorine and other impurities out of your water before you make the espresso giving you a fresh tasting cup of espresso.

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Bear I mind that these filters will have to be cleaned or replaced at regular interval though. But this is a small price to pay for an excellent tasting espresso.

No espresso maker would be the same if it did no come with a frothing canister or wand. You need the feature that froths your milk to give you not only great espresso but also the option of making latte and cappuccino too.
