Reverse Osmosis in Water Dispensers

Reverse Osmosis in Water Dispensers

Reverse osmosis is an amazing water filtration system that has actually been in use for a long time. Although “reverse osmosis” sounds complex, it is a surprisingly simple method for the purification of water. Many high quality water dispenser units include reverse osmosis, and this feature is certainly worth the price of admission. Let’s take a look at what goes into it:

The main component of a reverse osmosis system is a specially-designed membrane that is made solely to capture potentially harmful contaminants that may have gotten into your water supply. With the quality of our tap water on a steep decline, this filtration method is becoming more important. Thankfully, it’s also becoming more affordable, especially as various water dispenser manufacturers realize just how much commercial potential there is in these units.

What kind of contaminants are we talking about here? Some pretty nasty stuff, to be sure. Inordinately large levels of things like fluoride, fecal coliform, and turbidity are just a few of the things to watch out for. I’ll spare you the detailed description of what these various contaminants really consist of, but take it from me, it’s not stuff that anyone wants to be consuming. Your health and the health of your family or office workers are too important to trust to a questionable water supply.

Now this isn’t to say that everyone needs such a filtration unit. It really comes down to doing your due diligence and researching your area’s water standards and mineral levels. Only after doing this basic research can you really determine whether a reverse osmosis system is really for you.

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Regardless of the presence of a reverse osmosis filter, a dedicated water cooling unit can still go a long way toward keeping your drinking and cooking water at a high enough quality level. One factor here is whether your water cooler is the bottle variety or whether it’s the type of dispenser that connects directly to your building’s water supply. While bottle-less dispenser is sleek looking and low-key, you’re still at the mercy of your local tap water. If you’re going to forego using a reverse osmosis filter, do yourself a favor and go with the bottle dispenser. Although you’ll have to order water refills occasionally, the advantage is that the source of your water will come from a manufacturer that probably does reverse osmosis in their processing facility.

What this is all boils down to is whether you want to rely on paying for an outside company to process your water and bring it to you for a fee, or whether you want to install such a filter yourself and pay a one-time fee.
