Looking For a Safe Drinking Water Dispenser? Here’s How to Find the Right One

Looking For a Safe Drinking Water Dispenser? Here’s How to Find the Right One

Mankind has made huge progress during the last couple of centuries. The technological advancements we have made in this period are nothing short of amazing. But all this progress has its dark side too. Water and air pollution levels have risen now to alarming levels. Nature has paid a terrible cost in the quest for man’s progress.

This is the reason why even the water we get in our homes is laced with all kinds of life threatening chemicals and pollutants. It’s an absolute necessity to have a safe drinking water dispenser or purifier in each home in order to avoid serious health problems like cancer.

The problem is – it’s not so easy to find the right filter from the dozens of varieties available in the market. How does one make the right choice from all of them? Let’s find out.

A really safe drinking water dispenser should be able to remove all kinds of impurities from the water – chemicals, heavy metals, sediment and even decayed organic matter. Water can be considered safe for use only if all these contaminants have been removed from it.

Look carefully at the techniques being used by the filter you choose. Most common ones can handle only a specific kind of pollutant and prove to be ineffective for the others.

Take a UV filter for example. These filters work by bombarding the water with Ultraviolet rays. These rays kill the germs present inside the water, but they cannot remove the dirt and sediment from it. This is why usually these filters also have a carbon filtration unit inside which can remove the bigger impurities from the water.

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However, they UV filters cannot remove the small chemicals like chlorine and prescription drug traces from the water. Their high maintenance cost is also something you would want to think about.

RO filters work by making the water pass through a semi permeable membrane with small pores. These pores allow the water to pass through and hold the bigger contaminants back.

This may be good enough for dirt and bigger impurities, but smaller chemical contaminants like chlorine cannot be stopped by this membrane. And the essential minerals found in water naturally like calcium and potassium are filtered out, which is not good as your body needs these minerals for its proper functioning.

A really safe drinking water dispenser would have multiple blocks of filtering based on cutting edge techniques like Ion Exchange, Sub Micron filtration and Carbon filtration, to remove all possible contaminants from the water, without affecting its natural mineral content.

What are you waiting for then? Go ahead and use this information to find out a safe drinking water dispenser for your home today.
