Plumbing Supply Review: Instant Hot Water Dispenser
Plumbing Supply Review: Instant Hot Water Dispenser
Think about all the times you had to wait for your water to heat up for tea or whatever else you might be heating water up for these days. Now imagine the time you would save if you had instant hot water. Today more and more products are available for this so let’s take a look at one offered on plumbing supply.
I have already asked you to imagine what it would be like to have hot water on demand but hopefully you won’t have to imagine much longer. You will probably want to purchase this unit after reading more about the features which we are about to go over. First, the capacity of the unit is pretty darn impressive for what used to be industry-standard. Today you can have a full half-gallon of hot water ready to go and up to 60 cups per hour in total.
You can have a temperature range adjustable from home way down to 140A�F all the way up to 190A�F. For those of you across the pond is equivalent to 60A�C to 80A�C. If you can’t find your balance in between those two temperatures you might not be looking for hot water at all. As most applications for heated water fall between these two temperature ranges.
The heating element runs at about 780 Watts, 115 V, 6.5 amp’s. Most instant hot water dispensers are built to last. They are well insulated solderless stainless steel tanks. They even throw in anti lime deflection shields to prevent lime buildup. I don’t know about you but anything that comes with a deflection shield of any sort sure seems like a good idea to me.
Installation is also a breeze so don’t be intimidated. Once you have made your selection of fixture which can be either white, biscuit or chrome you are ready to go. Most of the mounting hardware will be included with the purchase of your unit. Not to mention, the purchase I am referring to is in the ballpark of $200. Not a bad price for instant hot water every day of the week.